FACTORY MACHINERY – TARNÓW employs highly qualified staff and to meet the needs of the market offers a wide range of industrial services including machining.
Maximum turning diameter over bed Ø 1200mm
Maximum turning diameter over support Ø 550 mm
Maximum turning length 3000 mm

High power of driving motor and machine’s rigid construction allow turning with high speed steel tools, sintered carbide tools and ceramic plate tools. The TUJ-560M and TUJ-630M have electromagnetic clutch and brake release.
Spindle speed range ensures economical lathe operating while roughing and after machining on cast iron, steel and non-ferrous metals. Universal feed box and lathe kinematics allows execution of a wide range of threads: metric, screw, modular.
Standard lathe version TUJ-560M and TUJ-630M are manufactured in metric system with spindle nose C11.